Appraisals by Will

Never leave money on the table

Types of Residential Appraisal Services

Pre-List Appraisal:

Benefit: Helps sellers set the right listing price, ensuring a competitive and successful sale.

Estate Appraisal:

Benefit: Facilitates estate planning, inheritance, and estate settlement by determining the value of real estate assets.

Divorce Appraisal:

Benefit: Helps divorcing couples fairly divide property assets by providing an unbiased property valuation.

PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) Removal Appraisal:

Benefit: Allows homeowners to eliminate PMI premiums by proving that the property's value has increased sufficiently.

Tax Assessment Appeal Appraisal:

Benefit: Assists property owners in appealing their property tax assessments by providing an independent valuation.

Litigation Support Appraisal:

Benefit: Provides expert appraisal services for legal proceedings, such as property disputes, ensuring fair resolution.

Home Equity Appraisal:

Benefit: Helps homeowners determine the equity in their property, guiding decisions on home equity loans or lines of credit.

New Construction Appraisal:

Benefit: Determines the value of newly constructed properties, helping builders and buyers make informed decisions.

Home Improvement Appraisal:

Benefit: Guides homeowners in identifying improvements that can enhance the property's value, making renovations more financially sound.

Property Investment Appraisal:

Benefit: Assists real estate investors in assessing the potential return on investment for a particular property.

Realtors: Benefits of a Pre-List Appraisal

  1. Accurate Pricing: Ensure your property is priced right from the start, maximizing your chances of attracting serious buyers.
  2. Seller Confidence: Feel more secure and confident in your asking price, which can positively impact negotiations.
  3. Avoid Low Appraisals: Minimize the risk of the property appraising lower than expected, which can lead to complications during the sale.
  4. Transparency: Demonstrate transparency and professionalism to potential buyers by providing them with a pre-list appraisal report.
  5. Faster Transactions: Reduce the likelihood of delays caused by appraisal discrepancies, speeding up the overall selling process.
  6. Negotiation Strength: Use the pre-list appraisal as a strong negotiating tool, potentially securing a better deal.
  7. Cost and Time Savings: Save both time and money by preventing the need for post-listing price adjustments or prolonged negotiations.

I recommend avoiding rebuttals by obtaining a pre-listing appraisal. Knowing your property's value before listing it can help prevent low real estate appraisals, giving you a clear understanding of its appraised worth in advance

The Benefits of Professional Property Appraisals

  1. Accurate Valuation: An appraisal provides an unbiased and accurate assessment of your property's current market value. This information is crucial for making informed decisions, whether you're selling, refinancing, or making improvements.
  2. Confidence in Pricing: If you're selling your property, an appraisal helps you set a competitive and realistic asking price, increasing the chances of a successful sale.
  3. Financing Advantages: Lenders often require appraisals to approve mortgage loans. A favorable appraisal can result in more favorable loan terms, such as lower interest rates and higher loan-to-value ratios.
  4. Equity Evaluation: For homeowners, an appraisal can help determine the equity in your property, which is vital for home equity loans or lines of credit.
  5. Estate Planning: Appraisals are essential in estate planning, helping assess property values for inheritance, gifting, or settling an estate.
  6. Property Improvement Guidance: Appraisals can reveal which upgrades or renovations could add value to your property, guiding your investment decisions.
  7. Conflict Resolution: Appraisals are also used in settling disputes related to property, divorce, or property tax assessments.

Overall, a professional property appraisal is a powerful tool to ensure that you have an accurate understanding of your property's value, which can benefit you in various financial and real estate transactions.

What to do if you have a Low Appraisal

When faced with a home appraisal that falls short of the asking price of the property, there are several avenues to consider:

  1. Negotiate with the Seller: One option is for the seller to agree to lower the asking price of the house. However, many homeowners are reluctant to go this route, as it means receiving less money than they initially anticipated.
  2. Seek Additional Funding: Buyers can explore alternative sources of financing to cover the difference between the appraised value and the asking price. While this option is available, most buyers are hesitant to choose it since it means owing money to multiple sources and potentially overpaying for the property.
  3. Obtain a Second Appraisal: Sometimes, appraisers may overlook critical details or make honest mistakes. Getting a second opinion from a different appraiser is a viable approach. If the first appraisal is clearly flawed, you can address the disparities by submitting a letter to the lender and requesting a revision. Keep in mind that a second appraisal does not guarantee a higher property valuation.
  4. Submit a Rebuttal: In addition to obtaining a second appraisal, either the buyer or seller can choose to send a rebuttal to the lender. This written response can outline any discrepancies in the initial appraisal and present a case for a reconsideration of the property's value.

These options provide a framework for addressing a low home appraisal and finding a suitable resolution that works for both the buyer and seller.

What to do if you have a Low Appraisal

An appraisal rebuttal is a written communication aimed at challenging or disputing a low appraised value assigned to a property. It's essential to understand that pursuing this process is typically only worthwhile when there is a genuine mistake in the valuation. If the physical attributes of the house do not align with the asking price, convincing the appraiser otherwise may prove challenging. However, if there are valid reasons for the low appraisal, there may be a potential path forward. Some examples include:

  1. Clerical Errors: If the property is, for instance, a two-bathroom home but the appraiser erroneously recorded it as a one-bathroom property, this can lead to an inaccurate appraisal.
  2. Artificially Low Comparable Sales: Appraisers often determine a property's value by examining the prices of similar homes in the vicinity. If a nearby home sold at a lower price due to a unique circumstance, like a family transfer, it might artificially lower the value of your property.
  3. Recent Home Sales: Finding recently sold homes of similar size and location can influence your property's valuation. While most appraisers are skilled at accessing this data, there may be new sales that the appraiser was not aware of at the time of the appraisal. Presenting three or four of these recent sales could potentially sway the appraiser's opinion.

In summary, appraisal rebuttals can be an uphill battle and are best avoided if possible. Appraisers rely on objective criteria such as the quality of construction, the number of rooms, property size, the condition of electrical and plumbing systems, and the presence of upgrades or additions to determine a property's value. These characteristics tend to remain relatively stable unless there was a genuine clerical error.

Providing fair appraisal services is essential to maintaining trust and credibility in the appraisal industry. It requires a thorough understanding of the relevant market conditions and data, as well as adherence to professional ethics and standards. A fair appraisal should be objective, impartial, and based on reliable data, and the appraiser should avoid conflicts of interest or any other factors that could influence their judgment. Ultimately, a fair appraisal provides an accurate and unbiased evaluation of the property or asset being appraised, which is critical for informed decision-making.

Client Reviews

"Quick and efficient. He showed up on time and seemed knowledgeable and experienced. Thank you for your services!"


"Great appraiser really knows his stuff! Was very polite and on time."


"As an experienced appraiser, I trust Will for his knowledge on estimating the value of a property after repairs (ARV). He's always been patient in answering my questions, and his reports are clear and detailed, making it easy for anyone to understand. He treats people with respect and has become a great friend that can be relied on."


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(949) 842-9103

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10:00 am to 4:00 pm


10:00am to 2:00 pm

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